Enrolment Process

Enrolment Intakes

The two main points of entry at Telopea Park School are Kindergarten and Year 7.

Students at Telopea Park School/ Lycée Franco-Australien de Canberra may participate in two programs of study. These are:

  • ACT Education Directorate (EDU) non bilingual program 7-10
  • Bilingual English/French Program K-10.

Priority Enrolment Area

For mainstream students, priority for enrolment is given to children who live within the Priority Enrolment Area (PEA) for Telopea Park School : click here to find out more about PEA.

The Priority Enrolment Area for the Bilingual English/ French K-10 program is the whole of the ACT.

Enrolment forms

All applicants must complete the Education Directorate (EDU) online enrolment/transfer form available by clicking on this link.

In addition :

For information : TLPS-LFAC Kindergarten Enrolment Criteria (PDF)

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For questions regarding this process, contact the school by email at Telopeapark.enrolments@ed.act.edu.au

For general informations about enrolment for Kindergarten to Year 12 (Non-Bilingual Stream) in ACT click here.